Studio Publication Series #4: "Zebra’s Afterimage", Alice Rekab x Stephen Rekab
Regular price €6,00
Zebra’s Afterimage combines a fanzine style poster artwork by Alice Rekab featuring a collage of images taken by their mother Louise Meade, and an extensive interview with Stephen Rekab recalling his life in music in his own words. It is the fourth in the TBG+S Studio Series Publications.
Alice Rekab’s father, Stephen Rekab is a musician who has been recording, producing and playing music for over four decades. He has performed and released music as Steve Rekab, Lucis Starling The VLArray, and formed Zebra, ‘Ireland’s only reggae band’, who were active in 1978-79. Zebra’s short-lived but vital lifespan aligned with several crucial moments in Irish social, cultural and political history: the Carnsore Point anti-nuclear protests, the Dark Space experimental music festival at Project Arts Centre, and the band’s signing with the world-renowned Good Vibrations record label in Belfast at a heightened time during the Troubles.
Alice Rekab’s work reflects on a shifting and expansive understanding of family and personal identity. A range of idiosyncratic references emerges through their sculptures and images, which combine hand-made clay objects, found and reclaimed furniture and ornaments, as well as digital collages using their family photographs. These disparate items are drawn together through Rekab’s Irish-Sierra Leonian heritage, as a way of re-forging a distinct family portrait. Their work is collaborative and by inviting, hosting and mentoring other artists Rekab reinforces an attitude of inclusivity and a broad perspective of what it means to be family.
Published by Temple Bar Gallery +Studios
168 x 260mm
28 pp.
Image Description: A black and white collage shows a photograph of Stephen Rekab holding up a large shiny wooden mask up to his face. The mask completely blocks his face and only his arms are visible. The mask is the traditional Temne style native to Sierra Leone. Around the photograph, Alice Rekab has drawn lines in black to create emphasis.